If you run into problems with your order or licenses you can also simply place an order by email (payment by credit card/PayPal or via invoice).
To buy one or multiple photos:
Add a photo you want to buy to the cart with your choice of license.
Make sure to click on the license field until it is marked to confirm your choice. You will still be able to change licenses or remove photos in the shopping cart before checkout.
Sign up and register before checkout. This step is necessary so you can access your photos in your account. After registering you can also add your favourite photos to a Lightbox for future consideration. Accept the terms of use to proceed.
We are not going to hassle you with any email newsletters or reminders.
Your order will be processed for payment by PayPal in a separate and secure SSL encrypted environment (PayPal does not provide any payment details to Stock Art NZ), where you can either pay by credit card as a guest or charge your PayPal balance if you have an account with them.
Click on the link provided to ‘Return to the merchant’.
All prices on Stock Art NZ are listed in New Zealand Dollars (NZD), but no matter what country you or your credit card is from, a currency conversion will automatically be made by PayPal or by your bank (see here for more information about the payment process).
You will be able to download your files from the member area. Alternatively, you will also receive an email with the corresponding links. The links will be active for 365 days and 5 downloads.
Make sure to check your spam folder to find your download link!
Not speaking English? Although the website language is English you can change to another language for navigation and the payment process by clicking the icons on the top left.
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