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Tanning in Marrakesh, MoroccoFreshly caught New Zealand snapperTraditional Polynesian Pandanus weavingWoven fan - Aitutaki, Cook IslandsHundertwasser Toilets in Kawakawa - interiorSplashback photo: Medieval broken handpainted tilesSplashback photo: Abstract parrot feathersFreshly caught fish Bundles of mukaRickshaw drivers in Dhaka, BangladeshSplashback photo: Abstract Bull kelp tangle on a beachSplashback photo: flax weaving mat in black and whiteHoi An market - VietnamFlax weaving background - kete closeupSplashback photo: Marina Corricella fishing village on Procida Island, Bay of Naples, ItalySplashback photo: Abstract tangled rattan bundleCloseup of a potae - New Zealand flax weaving Human rickshaw in CalcuttaColourful shredded flax circlesNZ flax weaving - clutch with pauaSplashback photo: red hot chillis drying in sunshineSplashback photo: Closeup of coastal rock in Northland NZMaori kete with handles standing upKupenga knot flax weavingSplashback photo: New Zealand gravel road, West Coast, South IslandSplashback photo: flax weaving matPingao weaving NZ flax weaving - Pokinikini Shredding flax Closeup of a Maori keteKupenga kete with paua shellsSplashback photo: Lake Taupo with sail yachtSplashback photo: Awesome coffee to goFlax weaving flowers - Putiputi NZ flax weaving – whenu laid out for making piupiuMaking of a pikau - New Zealand flax weavingMuka fibres and pokinikini - NZ flax weavingPotae hat - NZ flax weavingBrown flax weaving backgroundNZ flax weaving background - rim of a pikauSplashback photo: windmill palm leafSplashback photo: red, orange and yellow NZ flax weavingSplashback photo: Tanekaha dyed muka and pokinikini - NZ flax weavingPotae - New Zealand flax weavingBrown takirua flax weaving - backgroundCloseup of red and yellow flax weavingPutiputi - New Zealand flax weaving Splashback photo: Tanger medina in MoroccoSplashback photo: Spinifex grassSplashback photo: Woven flax matSplashback photo: flax weaving starsSplashback photo: Windmill knot flax weavingPokinikini bundle with muka fibresNew Zealand flax weaving - Kahu pokowhiwhi closeupNew Zealand flax weaving - Kahu muka pokowhiwhi detailDyed muka kahu pokowhiwhi - Maori shoulder cape Kahu muka pokowhiwhi - Maori shoulder cloak Muka with mawhitiwhiti whatu - NZ flax weaving Flax weaving - pikau and keteRed, orange-yellow flax weaving flowers - Putiputi Maori flax weaving in progress - raranga harakekeSplashback photo: Crumbly old house wall full of patinaNew Hundertwasser building taking form - March 2021New Hundertwasser building - March 2021Flax weaving flowers - PutiputiCloseup detail of raranga - kete with pink, magenta, yellow and purple coloursNew Zealand flax weaving - purple, blue and yellow colours Flax weaving background: mat woven with Maori takitahi weaveSplashback photo: New Zealand tree fern frondsTe Hononga Hundertwasser Park Centre in KawakawaHundertwasser museum during construction in WhangareiHundertwasser building during construction in Whangarei