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Splashback photo: Tanekaha dyed muka and pokinikini - NZ flax weavingSplashback photo: Tanger medina in MoroccoSplashback photo: Spinifex grassSplashback photo: Woven flax matSplashback photo: flax weaving starsSplashback photo: Windmill knot flax weavingSplashback photo: Crumbly old house wall full of patinaSplashback photo: New Zealand tree fern frondsSplashback photo: spinifex grass on beach dunesSplashback photo: red orange yellow flax weaving Splashback photo: Limestone rock formations - Northland, New ZealandSplashback photo: New Zealand tree fern fronds with backlightSplashback photo: Tanger medina roof maze in MoroccoSplashback photo: Natural NZ flax weavingSplashback photo: Whangarei Heads Ocean BeachSplashback photo: View of Marina Corricella - Procida Island, Bay of Naples, ItalySplashback photo: Whangarei Falls waterfall in NorthlandSplashback photo: Macro of NZ flax leafSplashback photo: Matai Bay in NorthlandSplashback photo: Te Werahi Beach at Cape Reinga - Northland NZSplashback photo: NZ flax weaving starsSplashback photo: Yellow and green flax weaving kete Splashback photo: Spanish Variedad en Paella restaurant signSplashback photo: Closeup of NZ flax weaving - natural weaveSplashback photo: Colourful Peranakan style window shutters in SingaporeSplashback photo: Monstera Deliciosa, Swiss Cheese plants Splashback photo: New Zealand pohutukawa tree over the water at sunsetSplashback photo: Crumbling ochre Moroccan medina house wallSplashback photo: Tui on flaxSplashback photo: Dried kelp on a New Zealand beachSplashback photo: Colourful yellow, red and blue Eastern Rosella parrot feathersSplashback photo: Black tree fern - New Zealand MamakuSplashback photo: New Zealand flax flowers