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Splashback photo: Closeup of a woven flax kete whakairo - New Zealand flax weavingExtracting muka fibre from NZ flaxWahakura, a traditional Maori sleeping basket for babies Flax weaving closeup - natural and orange brown weaveBundles of mukaSplashback photo: flax weaving mat in black and whiteFlax weaving background - kete closeupCloseup of a potae - New Zealand flax weaving Colourful shredded flax circlesNZ flax weaving - clutch with pauaMaori kete with handles standing upKupenga knot flax weavingSplashback photo: flax weaving matShredding flax Closeup of a Maori keteKupenga kete with paua shellsFlax weaving flowers - Putiputi NZ flax weaving – whenu laid out for making piupiuMaking of a pikau - New Zealand flax weavingMuka fibres and pokinikini - NZ flax weavingPotae hat - NZ flax weavingBrown flax weaving backgroundNZ flax weaving background - rim of a pikauSplashback photo: red, orange and yellow NZ flax weavingTurquoise, gold and yellow flax weaving Potae - New Zealand flax weavingBrown takirua flax weaving - backgroundCloseup of red and yellow flax weavingPutiputi - New Zealand flax weaving Splashback photo: Woven flax matFlax weaving - pikau and keteRed, orange-yellow flax weaving flowers - Putiputi Maori flax weaving in progress - raranga harakekeFlax weaving flowers - PutiputiCloseup detail of raranga - kete with pink, magenta, yellow and purple coloursNew Zealand flax weaving - purple, blue and yellow colours Flax weaving background: mat woven with Maori takitahi weaveMaori flax weaving with traditional niho taniwha patternSplashback photo: red orange yellow flax weaving Brown takitahi weave - New Zealand flax weavingCloseup of orange magenta flax weavingRed orange yellow flax weaving Muka with pokinikini - NZ flax weaving Putiputi flowers - NZ flax weaving Splashback photo: Natural NZ flax weavingWahakura, a woven Maori baby cotFlax weaving with traditional mumu patternNew Zealand flax weaving: potaeSplashback photo: NZ flax weaving starsSplashback photo: Yellow and green flax weaving kete Flax weaving with muka fibre and pokinikiniCloseup of a kahu pokowhiwhi with heru - Maori flax weavingSplashback photo: Closeup of NZ flax weaving - natural weaveCloseup of a kahu cloak with pokinikini Rim of a woven hat or potaeYellow kete with white muka fibre handlesNew Zealand flax weaving:  windmill knotDetail of flax weaving from a pikau (backpack) Detailed view of a traditional woven flax matKete - traditional New Zealand flax weaving