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Splashback photo: New Zealand flax flowersSan Giovanni a Carbonara church - Napoli, ItalyAntique golden wall decoration backgroundTaro leaf in sunshineTangled white rattanCloseup of a woven Pandanus matDozens of Japanese Jizo bodhisattva statuesChillis drying in the sunCloseup of woven muka strands made of New Zealand flaxEastern Rosella feathers close upModern mirror facade of the Len Lye CentreLen Lye Wind Wand sculpture in New PlymouthPortrait of a Blue-and-yellow Macaw parrotBlack tree fern (Mamaku) Tangled white rattan knotGlassy mirror reflection on the facade of New PlymouthAntique golden floral wall decoration backgroundJesus on old church tiles in ItalyCloseup of traditional red and blue fishing boatsAgava leavesFlax flowers in black & whiteDetailed view of a traditional woven flax matCloseup of Marina Corricella - Procida, ItalyAncient cobble stones with groovesPacific pandanus weaving: closeup of a woven matCloseup of an old decaying leaf of a Swiss cheese plantNew Zealand Mamaku tree fern - black & whiteKoru - unfurling frond of a New Zealand black tree fern (Mamaku)Penguins crossing sign in New ZealandSignpost with distances at Cape ReingaBlack New Zealand tree fern - MamakuKete - traditional New Zealand flax weaving