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Yellow kete with white muka fibre handlesNew Zealand flax weaving:  windmill knotDetailed view of the Maishima Incineration Plant in Osaka, JapanCloseup of a flax leaf in detailCrumbling turquoise blue house wallCloseup of an old crumbling ochre house wall full of textureLatin Rest in Peace inscriptionSplashback photo: Crumbling ochre Moroccan medina house wallSplashback photo: Tui on flaxMedieval floor tilesThe modern Len Lye Centre building - New Plymouth, New ZealandSplashback photo: Dried kelp on a New Zealand beachSplashback photo: Colourful yellow, red and blue Eastern Rosella parrot feathersOpen swan plant pod with fluffy seeds spilling outDetail of flax weaving from a pikau (backpack) Closeup of white natural flax muka Splashback photo: Black tree fern - New Zealand MamakuSplashback photo: New Zealand flax flowersSan Giovanni a Carbonara church - Napoli, ItalyAntique golden wall decoration backgroundTaro leaf in sunshineCloseup of a woven Pandanus matDozens of Japanese Jizo bodhisattva statuesMaishima Incineration Plant in OsakaCloseup of woven muka strands made of New Zealand flaxPukekura Park in New Plymouth, New ZealandEastern Rosella feathers close upThe amazing Te Rewa Rewa bridge in New PlymouthModern mirror facade of the Len Lye CentreLen Lye Wind Wand sculpture in New PlymouthAncient Aragonese Castle - Castello Aragonese - in Ischia Porto, ItalyPortrait of a Blue-and-yellow Macaw parrotGiant sea shell with stripesNew Plymouths beautiful Te Rewa Rewa bridgeTe Kakano Hundertwasser building in WhangareiGlassy mirror reflection on the facade of New PlymouthAntique golden floral wall decoration backgroundJesus on old church tiles in ItalyMarina Corricella with blue skyFlax flowers in black & whiteFalse Creek seawall promenade and Vancouver skyline in black & whiteSwiss Cheese plants in black & whiteDetailed view of a traditional woven flax matPacific pandanus weaving: closeup of a woven matJapanese temple buildings, Takayama, JapanCloseup of an old decaying leaf of a Swiss cheese plantNew Zealand Mamaku tree fern - black & whiteKoru - unfurling frond of a New Zealand black tree fern (Mamaku)Te Kakano - The Seed: Friedensreich Hundertwasser building in WhangareiBlack New Zealand tree fern - MamakuKete - traditional New Zealand flax weaving