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Splashback photo: New Zealand gravel road, West Coast, South IslandSplashback photo: flax weaving matPingao weaving Dead pohutukawa trees in Taiharuru Bay - Whangarei, Northland, NZNZ flax weaving - Pokinikini Large black New Zealand cockroachCloseup of coastal rockTree fern heartShredding flax Beautiful beach stone patternMount Manaia view - Whangarei Heads, NZWaiotemarama Falls - Hokianga, Northland NZCloseup of a Maori keteBlack New Zealand Mamaku tree fern from belowPol Pot statue Limestone rock formations in WaipuKupenga kete with paua shellsSplashback photo: Lake Taupo with sail yachtSplashback photo: Awesome coffee to goFlax weaving flowers - Putiputi Brown white abstract backgroundRaglan footbridge - Raglan, Waikato, NZNZ flax weaving – whenu laid out for making piupiuSwan plant pod with seeds Wet leaf on a New Zealand forest floorSilver fern frond - NZ PongaMaking of a pikau - New Zealand flax weavingVintage closeup of Ta Keo temple - AngkorUrquharts Bay - Whangarei Heads, Northland, NZMuka fibres and pokinikini - NZ flax weavingPotae hat - NZ flax weavingBlack and white photo of old shed doorsBrown flax weaving backgroundLarge black New Zealand cockroaches - Kekerengu Mamaku - underneath Black New Zealand tree fernsNZ flax weaving background - rim of a pikauSplashback photo: windmill palm leafSplashback photo: red, orange and yellow NZ flax weavingBlack & white Muehlenbeckia plantTurquoise, gold and yellow flax weaving Bull kelp on a New Zealand beachSplashback photo: Tanekaha dyed muka and pokinikini - NZ flax weavingFluted limestone rocks - backgroundDramatic wind bent New Zealand tea treesCloseup of a coloured scallop shellPotae - New Zealand flax weavingCloseup of an old wooden door Brown takirua flax weaving - backgroundMacro closeup of giant old snapper teethGiant old snapper teethMacro closeup of Kereru feathersCloseup of red and yellow flax weavingSwan plant seeds - macro photoSwan plant - still lifePutiputi - New Zealand flax weaving Splashback photo: Tanger medina in MoroccoSplashback photo: Spinifex grassSplashback photo: Woven flax matSplashback photo: flax weaving starsSplashback photo: Windmill knot flax weavingCloseup of a Large black New Zealand cockroach - Kekerengu Pokinikini bundle with muka fibresNZ praying mantis New Zealand flax weaving - Kahu pokowhiwhi closeupNew Zealand flax weaving - Kahu muka pokowhiwhi detailDyed muka kahu pokowhiwhi - Maori shoulder cape Kahu muka pokowhiwhi - Maori shoulder cloak Kai Iwi lake water - Northland, New ZealandMuka with mawhitiwhiti whatu - NZ flax weaving Te Matau A Pohe bridge in Whangarei - Northland, NZ Norman McLeod’s tomb in Waipu Cove cemeteryFlax weaving - pikau and kete