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Flax weaving closeup of a kete whakairo

Flax weaving closeup of a kete whakairo

Background photo, detail of a patterned bag, with artist release

Natural kete on the beach

Natural kete on the beach

New Zealand flax weaving bag in nature

Closeup of a New Zealand kete

Closeup of a New Zealand kete

Purple and natural colour, vertical twill with split weaving

New Zealand kete whakairo with papakirango pattern and whariki background

New Zealand kete whakairo with papakirango pattern and whariki background

Flax weaving: patterned bag and mat (with artist property release)

Colourful NZ flax weaving background

Colourful NZ flax weaving background

With turquoise, gold and purple colour dyed flax

Koru love heart

Koru love heart

New Zealand tree fern fronds - a symbol for new beginnings

Splashback photo - New Zealand flax weaving - Harakeke

Splashback photo - New Zealand flax weaving - Harakeke

Kitchen splashback photo for standard size 900 x 750 mm

Flax leaves ready for weaving

Flax leaves ready for weaving

Black & white closeup on prepared whenu / blades

Raw green flax kete

Raw green flax kete

Closeup of a rough new flax bag, New Zealand

Making a kete

Making a kete

Flax weaving - process to make a kete (with artist release)

Natural flax kete with muka handles

Natural flax kete with muka handles

Traditional bag made of woven New Zealand flax (with property release from All Flax)

Process of New Zealand flax weaving

Process of New Zealand flax weaving

Flax weaving closeup with weaver’s hands - papakirango pattern (with artist property release)

Splashback photo: Unfinished New Zealand flax weaving in the process of being made

Splashback photo: Unfinished New Zealand flax weaving in the process of being made

A splash of Maori culture in the kitchen - splashback photo for standard size 900 x 750 mm

Splashback photo: New Zealand flax weaving closeup

Splashback photo: New Zealand flax weaving closeup

Natural harakeke weave with zig zag pattern - kitchen splashback picture in high resolution for standard size 900 x 750 mm

Green blue flax weaving closeup

Green blue flax weaving closeup

Detailed background photo of a woven kete/bag

Ponga fence near Kawhia marae

Ponga fence near Kawhia marae

Traditional fence made of tree ferns beside the beautiful Kawhia Harbour

Pikau backpack with brown and natural mumu pattern

Pikau backpack with brown and natural mumu pattern

Handmade traditional flax weaving backpack (with property release from the maker)

Kete shopping bag made of unprocessed raw and natural flax

Kete shopping bag made of unprocessed raw and natural flax

Flax weaving made in New Zealand, photo with artist release

Kete whakairo with Papakirango pattern and white muka handles

Kete whakairo with Papakirango pattern and white muka handles

New Zealand flax weaving fashion: handmade bag in red and orange (photo with artist release)

Natural yellow green and red flax kete with white muka handles

Natural yellow green and red flax kete with white muka handles

Colourful bag made of flax weaving in taki tahi pattern (with artist release)

Kete made of natural flax with muka handles

Kete made of natural flax with muka handles

Bag made of woven flax, a traditional Maori art in New Zealand (with property release from All Flax)

Small maroon colour flax kete

Small maroon colour flax kete

New Zealand flax weaving: handmade bag (photo with property release)

Black and natural flax kete with white muka handles

Black and natural flax kete with white muka handles

New Zealand flax weaving: handmade bag (photo with artist release)

Small yellow and green flax kete

Small yellow and green flax kete

New Zealand flax weaving: handmade bag (photo with artist release)

Pikau made of natural flax in New Zealand

Pikau made of natural flax in New Zealand

Handmade traditional backpack, flax weaving is a traditional Maori art (with property release from the artist)

Kete made of natural flax

Kete made of natural flax

Bag made of flax weaving in New Zealand (with artist release)

Natural flax kete

Natural flax kete

Handmade bag made of woven flax, a traditional Maori art in New Zealand (with property release from the artist)

White muka fibre - flax weaving material

White muka fibre - flax weaving material

Closeup of raw shiny extracted flax fibres

Weaver’s hands on a flax kete

Weaver’s hands on a flax kete

Process of flax weaving making a bag

New Zealand flax mat woven with whakatutu weave

New Zealand flax mat woven with whakatutu weave

Background photo of a harakeke/flax mat, woven with whakatutu weave - Maori flax weaving in New Zealand, includes property release from the artist

Detail of a woven mat - traditional New Zealand flax weaving

Detail of a woven mat - traditional New Zealand flax weaving

Background image with bright, natural colour, complete with property release from the artist

Macro closeup of flax weaving

Macro closeup of flax weaving

Raranga harakeke, detail of brown and natural whenu

Maori carving in Kawhia

Maori carving in Kawhia

Carved wooden sculpture displayed in the little harbour village in the Waikato, New Zealand

Unfinished flax weaving for a kete

Unfinished flax weaving for a kete

Brown-orange and natural flax strands laid out while in the process of making a bag

Prepping flax for weaving

Prepping flax for weaving

Weavers hands processing a flax leaf

Weaver hands on a flax blade

Weaver hands on a flax blade

Preparing a green whenu for weaving



A Maori symbol for new beginnings in Aotearoa New Zealand

Mobile wallpaper: Maori art - white flax muka kahu with heru

Mobile wallpaper: Maori art - white flax muka kahu with heru

Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: Natural flax weaving pattern closeup

Mobile wallpaper: Natural flax weaving pattern closeup

Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Flax weaving bags

Flax weaving bags

Background with beautiful woven New Zealand kete whakairo - with property release

Flax weaving background - closeup of a kete with muka handles

Flax weaving background - closeup of a kete with muka handles

Orange, blue and purple coloured woven flax bag, with property release

Mobile wallpaper: Weaving closeup, made of New Zealand flax

Mobile wallpaper: Weaving closeup, made of New Zealand flax

Kiwi themed phone screen background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: Muka and pokinikini - NZ flax weaving

Mobile wallpaper: Muka and pokinikini - NZ flax weaving

Kiwi themed mobile phone image, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Flax weaving being made by hand - raranga harakeke

Flax weaving being made by hand - raranga harakeke

Closeup of the weaver’s hands making a kete - with property release from the artist

Mobile wallpaper: Colourful flax weaving background

Mobile wallpaper: Colourful flax weaving background

Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: Flax weaving background

Mobile wallpaper: Flax weaving background

Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: Unfinished New Zealand flax weaving in progress

Mobile wallpaper: Unfinished New Zealand flax weaving in progress

Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: Black and white dense flax weaving background

Mobile wallpaper: Black and white dense flax weaving background

New Zealand themed phone wallpaper picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: Pokinikini and muka background

Mobile wallpaper: Pokinikini and muka background

Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9) - Maori flax weaving

Close up of two blue and green kete or bags

Close up of two blue and green kete or bags

Flax weaving (raranga harakeke) from New Zealand - with property release

Mobile wallpaper: Natural flax weaving in detail

Mobile wallpaper: Natural flax weaving in detail

New Zealand themed phone background picture, full of texture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: Raranga harakeke - detail of a whariki mat

Mobile wallpaper: Raranga harakeke - detail of a whariki mat

New Zealand themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: Flax weaving closeup from New Zealand

Mobile wallpaper: Flax weaving closeup from New Zealand

Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9) - details of a natural flax mat

Mobile wallpaper: Flax weaving closeup with mumu pattern

Mobile wallpaper: Flax weaving closeup with mumu pattern

Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9) - Kete whakairo

Mobile wallpaper: Woven strands - flax weaving closeup

Mobile wallpaper: Woven strands - flax weaving closeup

New Zealand themed black & white phone lock screen picture, for display size ratios of 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: New Zealand flax weaving pattern

Mobile wallpaper: New Zealand flax weaving pattern

Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: Putiputi flowers

Mobile wallpaper: Putiputi flowers

New Zealand flax weaving, Kiwi themed phone background picture, screen size ratio 18:9 (or fitting anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Mobile wallpaper: New Zealand flax weaving, closeup of a whariki mat

Mobile wallpaper: New Zealand flax weaving, closeup of a whariki mat

Kiwi themed black & white phone background picture, for display size ratios of 18:9 (or anything between 16:9 - 20:9)

Colourful closeup of flax weaving

Colourful closeup of flax weaving

Woven kahu with golden yellow and turquoise colours

New Zealand Kawakawa leaves - closeup

New Zealand Kawakawa leaves - closeup

Abstract image of leaves with looper moth holes

Splashback photo: Maori flax weaving with white muka and heru

Splashback photo: Maori flax weaving with white muka and heru

Kitchen splashback picture for standard size 900 x 750 mm - closeup of a kahu pokowhiwhi