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Te Matau A Pohe bridge in Whangarei - Northland, NZ

Te Matau A Pohe bridge in Whangarei - Northland, NZ

Detail of the beautiful bascules reaching into the sky

Te Matau A Pohe bascule bridge in Whangarei

Te Matau A Pohe bascule bridge in Whangarei

Black and white photo - The Fishhook of Pohe bridge across the Hatea river in the Town Basin

Bascule bridge in Whangarei

Bascule bridge in Whangarei

Te Matau A Pohe - The Fishhook of Pohe crossing across the Hatea river

Te Matau A Pohe bascule bridge in Whangarei - black and white photo

Te Matau A Pohe bascule bridge in Whangarei - black and white photo

The Fishhook of Pohe across the Hatea river in the Town Basin