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Cute kiwi chick

Cute kiwi chick

Young and cute New Zealand kiwi baby bird held in safe hands

Old tree fern frond

Old tree fern frond

Closeup of a New Zealand wheki leaf on the forest floor

Flax weaving closeup of a kete whakairo

Flax weaving closeup of a kete whakairo

Background photo, detail of a patterned bag, with artist release

Flax stalk on a white background

Flax stalk on a white background

Flower stalk of New Zealand flax, Phormium tenax

Takahe closeup

Takahe closeup

Detailed view of the head of a rare Takahe

Te Matua Ngahere closeup

Te Matua Ngahere closeup

The Father of the Forest kauri tree in Waipoua Forest, Northland

Closeup of Pompallier House

Closeup of Pompallier House

Russell in the Bay of Islands, Northland, New Zealand

Natural kete on the beach

Natural kete on the beach

New Zealand flax weaving bag in nature

Closeup of a New Zealand kete

Closeup of a New Zealand kete

Purple and natural colour, vertical twill with split weaving

Tane Mahuta

Tane Mahuta

New Zealands tallest Kauri tree in Waipoua Forest, Northland

Closeup of green tree fern leaves

Closeup of green tree fern leaves

New Zealand black tree fern (Mamaku)

New Zealand kete whakairo with papakirango pattern and whariki background

New Zealand kete whakairo with papakirango pattern and whariki background

Flax weaving: patterned bag and mat (with artist property release)

Colourful NZ flax weaving background

Colourful NZ flax weaving background

With turquoise, gold and purple colour dyed flax

Koru love heart

Koru love heart

New Zealand tree fern fronds - a symbol for new beginnings

Splashback photo - New Zealand flax weaving - Harakeke

Splashback photo - New Zealand flax weaving - Harakeke

Kitchen splashback photo for standard size 900 x 750 mm

Hapene closeup - flax weaving background

Hapene closeup - flax weaving background

Detail of specially prepared and woven New Zealand flax

Tiritiri Matangi lighthouse

Tiritiri Matangi lighthouse

Iconic landmark on the predator free island in the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland

Handling a takahe

Handling a takahe

On Tiritiri Matangi Island, Auckland

Takahe closeup

Takahe closeup

Closeup of a takahe lying on the ground on Tiritiri Matangi Island, Auckland

Pohutukawa tree

Pohutukawa tree

Beautiful texture in black & white

Tui feeding station

Tui feeding station

Sugar water for tui birds on Tiritiri Matangi Island



Korimako sitting on a branch on Tiritiri Matangi Island - cropped closeup to 800 pixel

Old mans beard

Old mans beard

Usnea lichen growing on an old Puriri tree in New Zealand



Drinking water on Tiritiri Matangi Island, Auckland - original photo cropped to 800 pixel

Flax leaves ready for weaving

Flax leaves ready for weaving

Black & white closeup on prepared whenu / blades

Palast der Republik - historical GDR stamp from 1976

Palast der Republik - historical GDR stamp from 1976

Palace of the Republic in socialist German Democratic Republic

Rongorongo script from Easter Island

Rongorongo script from Easter Island

Traditional writing on a wooden tablet with ancient glyphs - souvenir from 1995

Lizardman or Moko Miro from Easter Island

Lizardman or Moko Miro from Easter Island

Traditional carved figure from Rapa Nui, 1995

Abstract photo of a Thai temple

Abstract photo of a Thai temple

Kaleidoscopic reflections in Thailand

Swanplant pod with seeds

Swanplant pod with seeds

Macro photo - non native plant, feeding Monarch butterflies

Raw green flax kete

Raw green flax kete

Closeup of a rough new flax bag, New Zealand

Making a kete

Making a kete

Flax weaving - process to make a kete (with artist release)

Wonderful abstract crumbling wall

Wonderful abstract crumbling wall

Plaster of a house wall in Italy falling apart

Process of New Zealand flax weaving

Process of New Zealand flax weaving

Flax weaving closeup with weaver’s hands - papakirango pattern (with artist property release)

Splashback image: New Zealand Paua

Splashback image: New Zealand Paua

Kitchen splashback photo download - standard size 900 x 750 mm

Splashback photo: Closeup of a New Zealand paua shell

Splashback photo: Closeup of a New Zealand paua shell

Kitchen splashback picture for standard size 900 x 750 mm

Closeup of the Parliament library building in Wellington NZ

Closeup of the Parliament library building in Wellington NZ

Building beside the New Zealand Parliament and Beehive

Splashback photo: Unfinished New Zealand flax weaving in the process of being made

Splashback photo: Unfinished New Zealand flax weaving in the process of being made

A splash of Maori culture in the kitchen - splashback photo for standard size 900 x 750 mm

Splashback photo: New Zealand flax weaving closeup

Splashback photo: New Zealand flax weaving closeup

Natural harakeke weave with zig zag pattern - kitchen splashback picture in high resolution for standard size 900 x 750 mm

Green blue flax weaving closeup

Green blue flax weaving closeup

Detailed background photo of a woven kete/bag

Splashback photo: Closeup of Pacific pandanus weaving

Splashback photo: Closeup of Pacific pandanus weaving

Kitchen splashback image for standard size 900 x 750 mm

Splashback photo: Kawakawa leaf

Splashback photo: Kawakawa leaf

New Zealand black & white kitchen splashback image for standard size 900 x 750 mm

Old white rowing boat as decoration on the Wellington waterfront promenade, NZ

Old white rowing boat as decoration on the Wellington waterfront promenade, NZ

Event centres, restaurants and shopping along Wellington’s Customhouse Quay

Hundertwasser Art Centre with fountain

Hundertwasser Art Centre with fountain

Art museum dedicated to the Austrian artist, in Whangarei, Northland NZ

Closeup of unprocessed natural flax weaving

Closeup of unprocessed natural flax weaving

View of the bottom inside a waikawa style wahakura

White muka fibre - flax weaving material

White muka fibre - flax weaving material

Closeup of raw shiny extracted flax fibres

Weaver’s hands on a flax kete

Weaver’s hands on a flax kete

Process of flax weaving making a bag

Polynesian Pandanus weaving

Polynesian Pandanus weaving

Closeup of a typical woven Polynesian Pandanus mat - background photo full of texture

New Zealand flax mat woven with whakatutu weave

New Zealand flax mat woven with whakatutu weave

Background photo of a harakeke/flax mat, woven with whakatutu weave - Maori flax weaving in New Zealand, includes property release from the artist

Detail of a woven mat - traditional New Zealand flax weaving

Detail of a woven mat - traditional New Zealand flax weaving

Background image with bright, natural colour, complete with property release from the artist